ADHD is Real

ADHD is Real

PLEASE TAKE MY ADHD SERIOUSLY During a recent checkup, I was talking to my allergy doctor, telling him about my work with ADHD. I noticed his eyebrows lifting, and his lips started to curl. I asked him, "You do believe ADHD is real, don't you?" He gave me that look...

Let's love each other

Let's love each other

When bad things happen in the world, there is an intense feeling of helplessness. If you have ADHD, images from TV and words from articles you read stick with you for days.

You sit helplessly with an overpowering feeling of discomfort. You go about your day; preparing meals, going to work, taking care of children, running errands, but there’s a black cloud that follows you everywhere you do. How could people be so evil? How could anyone do something so horrendous? What is wrong with the world?
Drowning in sadness, you think there is nothing you can do. But, you can do something.

Q&A about ADHD

Q&A about ADHD

I recently discovered; a question and answer site where you can ask an expert anything. I'm pleased to announce that I am the top "Most Viewed Writer" for Attention Deficit Disorder and Adult ADHD (two separate categories). It's been an enlightening...