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Someone who really gets you your ADHD.

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Warning: ADHDer in Hyperfocus Mode
There should be a warning sign near our desks: Danger- Do Not Disturb. ADHDer in Hyperfocus. Get out of our way, do not speak to us, give us a command, ask us a question, or come near us when we are in hyperfocus. In other words, stay away and leave us alone. Sad, but...
5 Things to Remember When Talking to a Person with ADHD
Most conversations are hard. I'm not talking about the problematic talks (about money, jobs, or where you want to live). I'm talking about the little conversations you have throughout the day. The talks you have when you get home from work. The discussions about what...
Happy New Year! Now Ask Yourself This One Question?
Happy new year! It’s 2018, so now what are you going to do about it? Here’s your chance to be a better you.
Are You Tired of Feeling Exhausted?
Have you been feeling exhausted lately? Fatigue is a harsh reality when you have ADHD. Some days you wake up so exhausted you feel like you're carrying a pack of bricks on your back. The fog in your head doesn't clear until you've had two cups of coffee, a cold...
Is ADHD Destroying Your Love Life and Your Happiness?
Are you sick and tired of feeling miserable in an ADHD relationship? Here are 6 quick tips to fix it and be happy in love.
Avoiding Something Won’t Make It Go Away
Avoidance can be a major problem for a person with ADHD. When things are difficult, uncomfortable, or anxiety-producing; we pretend they don't exist and hope they'll go away so we don't have to deal with them. We avoid filing taxes, paying bills, projects or...
8 Holiday Stressors and How to Fix Them
Oh yay! It's holiday time. Parties, family get-togethers, shopping, gift giving, meal planning, travel and lots of visitors. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Well, not so much if you have ADHD. While everyone else is joyful, holidays bring up a lot of discomfort for an...
ADHD is Real
PLEASE TAKE MY ADHD SERIOUSLY During a recent checkup, I was talking to my allergy doctor, telling him about my work with ADHD. I noticed his eyebrows lifting, and his lips started to curl. I asked him, "You do believe ADHD is real, don't you?" He gave me that look...
How ADHD Coaching Helped My Depression- Rachel's Story
One woman’s story of how ADHD Coaching Helped Her Overcome Depression
Q&A about ADHD
I recently discovered; a question and answer site where you can ask an expert anything. I'm pleased to announce that I am the top "Most Viewed Writer" for Attention Deficit Disorder and Adult ADHD (two separate categories). It's been an enlightening...
Are People with ADHD Hard to Love?
It's a fact; a person with ADHD is hard to love. You never know what to say. It's like walking through a minefield. You tiptoe around; unsure which step (or word) will be the one that sets off an explosion of emotion. It's something you try to avoid. That's the first...
Don't Say You Have ADHD
Unless you are a person with an ADHD brain, it's hard to believe that ADHD is real. People usually think it’s an excuse or nonsense. If you have ADHD, you remember being the child who stared out the window while the teacher was talking. Or maybe you were clowning...