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How long does it really take to wash the dishes?

How long does it really take to wash the dishes?

When I started my Realizations Project, I had no idea where I was going with it. Soon the pieces started to fall into place. Everything came together and then I realized what had happened, I was living in AWARENESS.  When I became aware of what I was doing, when I...

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Do you want to be happier?

Hi! I'm June and I'd like to help you bring a lot more happiness into your life. You might be surprised to discover that your path to happiness isn't what you thought it might be. You can learn how to bring peace into your relationships, resolve your conflicts, turn...

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Master Your Emotions

Master Your Emotions

Ok, so now it’s time to calm your crazy life by mastering your emotions. You might be asking exactly how are we are going to do this. See, my emotions can get a little carried away sometimes. If I don’t grab them before they go whirling out of control like a blown-up...

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Calm Your Crazy

Calm Your Crazy

Really? Calm Your Crazy? That’s the name I chose to define my work? When my branding consultant suggested it, I thought she was crazy. How could I say that? I’m teaching personal excellence and self-help. In her adorable Southern style, she said to me, “I hope you're...

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