
Yes, it’s true. My Lifehack.org article, “20 Things To Remember If You Love Someone Who Has ADD, is about me. I’ve never been medically diagnosed. I just know I think “differently,” and always have. I’ve never been on medication for it. I’ve just learned how to live with it, love it, and enjoy the perks that come with it. And there are many!

If you haven’t read the comments on the article, you might want to. Be careful, it’s easy to get sucked into the discussion. (Scroll down to the bottom of the article.)

You would not believe the emails I receive every day. Each one with a personal story; expressing gratitude and appreciation for my article.

My heart is deeply touched by readers telling me, “Thank you for understanding me. Finally, someone knows what goes on in my head. You get me!”  Sure, there are negative comments too,(wow, it’s surprising to see how rude some people can be!) but that’s ok. My feelings aren’t hurt. I understand that they just don’t get what I was saying, or maybe I hit a nerve that triggered a painful zone in their lives.

Note: My commenters have also informed me that it is no longer called ADD. It is now medically known as ADHD. I guess if we have it, we are hyper with an H. 

Ironically, I wrote the article for people who love someone who has ADD. The response I’ve received is greater from those who have ADD/ADHD, than from their loved ones.

Since my article has gone viral, I realized that there is no much more to say about ADHD. People want to talk about it, not from a medical point of view, from a personal one. There’s a lot to be said about this “thing” that lives inside us. Sometimes we love it and sometimes it makes our lives more difficult. We can be frustrating to others, and we also have a lot of internal frustration to deal with. It doesn’t go away, we just have to constantly manage it. The more we talk about it, the better it is.

I recently discovered another point that I’d like to add to my article:


Our minds work in a “connect-the-dots” mode. One thought leads to another, then another, and so on and so on. There’s a thread that links everything related to our original thought. I think the medical professionals call that “distraction.” I call it awesome! I like the way my thought patterns work. 


I was cutting and pasting the URL of my article to email to someone. While I was waiting for my computer to copy the link (and getting annoyed that my computer is so slow) my mind began to wander. When I cut and paste links, I immediately think of my son. He taught me how to use them. Then I thought of something I needed to discuss with my son. Then I thought, Oh no, I forgot to talk to him about that. We have a deadline on it. Then I thought, maybe I should text him now. No, he’s probably busy at work. Hmmm, when should I call him? Maybe I should meet him at Starbucks later? Maybe we can meet for dinner? Dinner? I forgot to go to the grocery store. I have to make dinner for my husband. So I just wrote another post-it and added it to the blue pile of post-its on my desk (I should use different colors, so they don’t blend together). Then I looked at the link and thought, “Who was I emailing this link to?”

That’s the short version. I don’t know how long it lasted in real time. It felt like a long time. Does that ever happen to you too?

Please keep sharing your comments and stories. You have no idea how much they mean to me. They inspire me to share mine.

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If you want your comments to remain anonymous  just send me an email … june@junesilny.com