by June | Jul 27, 2017 | ADD/ADHD, Anger Management, Conflict Resolution, Relationships, The Pause
Falling in love is easy. Staying in love isn’t. The struggles are real. Even if you love someone deeply and unconditionally, there are times when you’ve probably thought- this is too hard, I’m out of here. Because often you have to give up what you...
by June | Jan 24, 2017 | ADD/ADHD, anxiety, Coaching, Negative Thinking, Panic Attacks
Avoidance can be a major problem for a person with ADHD. When things are difficult, uncomfortable, or anxiety-producing; we pretend they don’t exist and hope they’ll go away so we don’t have to deal with them. We avoid filing taxes, paying bills,...
by June | Dec 20, 2016 | ADD/ADHD, anxiety, Conflict Resolution, Happiness
Oh yay! It’s holiday time. Parties, family get-togethers, shopping, gift giving, meal planning, travel and lots of visitors. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Well, not so much if you have ADHD. While everyone else is joyful, holidays bring up a lot of...
by June | Sep 23, 2016 | ADD/ADHD, Coaching, Conflict Resolution, Depression, Happiness
PLEASE TAKE MY ADHD SERIOUSLY During a recent checkup, I was talking to my allergy doctor, telling him about my work with ADHD. I noticed his eyebrows lifting, and his lips started to curl. I asked him, “You do believe ADHD is real, don’t you?” He...
by June | Sep 8, 2016 | ADD/ADHD, anxiety, Character Trait Tweaking, Coaching, Depression, Happiness
“I get it.” Wait, what? “I understand. I do that too!” I was talking to June, my new ADHD coach, on Skype. She got it. She understood. She had ADHD too! Let me back up a bit. I was suffering from post-natal depression after the birth of my second baby. I had it...
by June | Aug 29, 2016 | ADD/ADHD, Dreams, Happiness, Positive Outcome Living, Positive Thinking
I always knew I was different. When I was a child, I knew the answers before the other kids did, but I wasn’t confident enough to raise my hand. I was two steps ahead of the lesson. I stared out the classroom window and got lost in the trees, but I always came...