How to Control Racing Thoughts

Racing thoughts can be mental torture. Ruminating is exhausting and stressful. You are never at peace while your mind is continuously in gear. Before you discover ways to control your racing thoughts, it’s necessary to know the source of your overactive mind....

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This is the toughest thing about ADHD

This is the toughest thing about ADHD

There’s one really tough thing about having ADHD. It's a secret that only another ADHDer understands. No matter how hard you try, you can’t explain it to anyone else. It happens throughout the day, every day. I’m talking about bumping into walls all day. No, not...

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My Crazy New  Cure for Anxiety

My Crazy New Cure for Anxiety

One day last week I felt a dreaded cycle of anxiety coming on. You know how it goes. One small thought gets stuck in your mind, then it sticks and grows until you're buried under it and you can't get out. I call it the thought-valanche because it's an avalanche in the...

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Let's love each other

Let's love each other

When bad things happen in the world, there is an intense feeling of helplessness. If you have ADHD, images from TV and words from articles you read stick with you for days.

You sit helplessly with an overpowering feeling of discomfort. You go about your day; preparing meals, going to work, taking care of children, running errands, but there’s a black cloud that follows you everywhere you do. How could people be so evil? How could anyone do something so horrendous? What is wrong with the world?
Drowning in sadness, you think there is nothing you can do. But, you can do something.

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Am I an enabler or a compassionate mom?

Am I an enabler or a compassionate mom?

This was an email chat I had with my daughter this week.  Hi Mom, I know I'm trying to be good with my money and avoid asking you for help but I really really need it this time. I don't get paid until Friday and I have no gas or food. I am up in the north office today...

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Latest ADHD News & A Smoking Chimp

Latest ADHD News & A Smoking Chimp

Hi Friends! Is that chimpanzee smoking? I didn't know it when I took the picture.  When I put it on my computer, there he was, smoking away. Well anyway, I hope you're having a great summer hanging out with your friends, soaking up some sun, and taking vacation time....

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What do you see in this photo?

What do you see in this photo?

Look at this photo. What do you see? If you have ADHD, you see what others don't see. You see more. Your creative vision is x-ray vision. You see beyond the surface. Some people see raindrops, you see sparkling reflective circles dancing on your window. Some people...

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So we're a few weeks into 2015. How are those resolutions coming along? The trending word for resolutions is "habits." I personally don’t believe in regularly repeated behavior patterns. It's against my nature. I see them as forced behaviors- something I'm supposed to...

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How comfortable is your comfort zone?

How comfortable is your comfort zone?

Change is scary. It's easier to keep things the same, even if they're not so great. Change means that you have to become uncomfortable. Ugh! Nobody wants that. I know I don't. Every time I get a new cell phone,  app, or download the latest Mac software, it's a drama...

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Please Don't Label Me

Please Don't Label Me

How quick do you label someone else's behavior? How do you react when someone is not acting the way you want them to? It's easy to become annoyed with people. It's reality. We annoy each other. But what do you do when you're annoyed with someone? You probably get...

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Yes, I have ADHD

Yes, it’s true. My article, "20 Things To Remember If You Love Someone Who Has ADD, is about me. I've never been medically diagnosed. I just know I think "differently," and always have. I've never been on medication for it. I've just learned how to live...

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 So... you say you want to be happier? Are you sure about that? What if it means that you have to get down to the nitty-gritty hard-core reality of you? I don’t mean digging up the past. I’m talking about living in the present. Life cannot be lived to the fullest if...

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These Sneaky Words Are Ruining Your Day

5 ways to stop negative thinking now!

  OMG! What did I just say? I can't believe I said that? That's me I'm talking to. I don't usually pay much attention to it, but when I stop the noise in my head, I realize I am the only one I hear. Sure, there are lots of  people I talk to all day, but the...

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How long does it really take to wash the dishes?

How long does it really take to wash the dishes?

When I started my Realizations Project, I had no idea where I was going with it. Soon the pieces started to fall into place. Everything came together and then I realized what had happened, I was living in AWARENESS.  When I became aware of what I was doing, when I...

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Master Your Emotions

Master Your Emotions

Ok, so now it’s time to calm your crazy life by mastering your emotions. You might be asking exactly how are we are going to do this. See, my emotions can get a little carried away sometimes. If I don’t grab them before they go whirling out of control like a blown-up...

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Calm Your Crazy

Calm Your Crazy

Really? Calm Your Crazy? That’s the name I chose to define my work? When my branding consultant suggested it, I thought she was crazy. How could I say that? I’m teaching personal excellence and self-help. In her adorable Southern style, she said to me, “I hope you're...

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